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Calcluth & Sangster

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Treating Customers Fairly.

Treating Customers Fairly

Treating customers fairly (TCF) is central to the delivery of The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) retail regulatory agenda, which aims to ensure an efficient and effective market and thereby help consumers achieve a fair deal.

Firms must be able to demonstrate that they are consistently delivering fair outcomes to consumers and that senior management are taking responsibility for ensuring that the firm and staff at all levels deliver the consumer outcomes relevant to their business through establishing an appropriate culture.

Calcluth & Sangster Limited fully supports the Financial Conduct Authority TCF initiative and believes it satisfies the six consumer outcomes which are summarised below:

Calcluth & Sangster Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (www.register.fca.org.uk). Financial Services Register No: 587613
The information contained within this site is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted primarily at consumers based in the UK.
Please read our Privacy Statement before completing any enquiry form or before sending an email to us.
Our alternative dispute resolution provider is the Financial Ombudsman Service. Their website is financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Calcluth & Sangster Limited, Registered Address: 2230 Paisley Road West, Cardonald, Glasgow, G52 3SJ. Registered in Scotland, No. SC419428

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